2 Broughton Dr., Raleigh, NC 27695

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Join the NC State Univesity Libraries for a showcase of this year's Master of Art + Design final projects. The event will start with short project overview videos, followed by a reception and casual previews of student work. You can attended the showcase in person at D. H. Hill Jr. Library or watch the livestream on Twitch. Visit the College of Design website and the libraries' website for more information. 

The Masters of Art + Design program focuses on experimental media arts and encourages students to explore the intersection of digital and material technologies to create interactive and engaging experiences that push the boundaries of storytelling, learning and play.  

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In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, NC State will honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities. Direct accommodation requests to:

Tania Allen, associate professor of Art + Design and director of graduate programs in Art + Design at tlallen2@ncsu.edu.

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